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La Marina & San Fulgencio Residents Association

Does anybody know if this Association is still active. There has not been an AGM for at least two years and my emails to the given email address do not get the courtesy of a reply, even though the email address is still active.
At the last AGM to be held, there was a considerable balance in the accounts and then to that needs to be added the dues collected for that year.
If nothing has been done by the committee, then this money should be returned to those that paid it. If there has been expenditure, then this should be accounted for at an AGM.
At that AGM, the committee was re-elected unopposed, not that any nomination papers were distributed.
The whole situation is a mess and there are are many un-answered questions.
If anybody knows -

Eric Tuite - President.
Peter Dixon - Vice President & IT.
Maggie Somerville - Secretary.
Alan Brewer - Treasurer.
Ken Somerville - Vocal.
Margaret Cox - Vocal.

perhaps they could encourage them to honour the commitments of the position they so keenly wanted.

La Marina

Seeing as you have there names then I'll give you a peace of advice for free. Go speak to them in person. I think jeff is going to have to clarify this new law that came into force for the entire of Spain late last year when it comes down to bringing people's names into something. I can understand if these people have made a public comment through the media or means of a letter.
So instead of doing it on a forum go knock on there doors an speak to them face to face.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-03-17 20:56:50 UTC

I don't need your free advice. I'm more than capable of talking over issues direct with the person or persons involved - if only I can contact them.
My post clearly stated that I had tried emailing the association using the information they had provided and that I had received no reply.
None of the committee have provided any documentation with their address, phone number or email contact information, so that option is not available to me.
I posted as I felt that the matter of an organization purporting to represent La Marina and San Fulgencio residents would be of interest to people who read and/or are active on this forum.
You seem to be suggesting that I might have libeled those that I named. Why? What have I accused them of. Nothing. All I want is some answers to very relevant questions but none are forthcoming via the organization channels.
By posting, I'm inviting those on the committee to make a public statement or if they prefer, a private one to me - as they have my email address.

Commented David in La Marina 2012-03-18 15:38:58 UTC

Sorry Andi, I support David on this topic. I was a member but have heard nothing for the same amount of time.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2012-03-18 16:21:09 UTC

My only question would be then. Why jar the residents left it 2 years before saying anything. I noticed you said you have emailed but as of yet no reply. There should be a AGM every year how has it gone 2 years without one.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-03-18 16:31:28 UTC

An excellent question and one that I have asked a few times before. First of all, let's remember the onus to hold the AGM lies with the committee. The surgeries have been suspended, emails not answered and no contact details available.
I cannot comment on what else others might have done, but I feel that I have done everything that I could and now see this forum as a possible route to one of the committee answering for their actions.
Out of interest what else would you have done.

Commented David in La Marina 2012-03-18 16:53:20 UTC

Go to the council and found out the correct legal procedures to take. For one there is money involved that residents have paid. Two, if you are still part of this residents association then if I'm correct all it will need is or at least 3-4 of you to call for a EGM to elect a new committe or if that doesn't happen I'm sure there's a way to dissolve the residents association.
More to the point the priority should be to find out what has happend to the funds you guys have contributed. Then I'd go see Jeff and find out what the legal implications are.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-03-18 17:02:03 UTC

Thanks Andi, so that's what the A in the abbreviation AGM stands for - Annual! Why have you stopped coming to the football on Sundays? We miss all your in depth comments.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2012-03-18 17:30:06 UTC

To afraid to come out now Peter just incasee my young hyper active self oversteps it with my comments at footie. Don't like the idea of being de nounced. Although I see Barry pretty much once or twice a week now and it don't help that you have stopped writing the reports to the papers

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-03-18 17:57:07 UTC

Hi Andi. I only missed writing the match report as I was unable to get to the game last Sunday. I will be doing next weeks report as we are playing at home this coming Sunday against SAX. Hope to see you there. We don't see trevor this year.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2012-03-18 20:33:49 UTC