Women, we can't win

Spoke to my wife in the UK,told her lovingly, "when I die I'm going to leave everything to you", her response, "you do now, you lazy Bastard" still Love her.

La Marina

we could,nt do without em

Commented Don A in La Marina 2012-03-06 10:35:48 UTC

ROBERT, You've opened a can of worms now, saying the B word. The bored members of A spanish life, Made enough of " Old Fogies".
Does anyone Know anything about "Town Twinning" as we on Oasis were thinking of twinning with BEIRUT, (JOKE)

Commented Bryan in La Marina 2012-03-06 17:00:32 UTC

I.m with you Bryan even the word joke might cause a stir.

Commented Don A in La Marina 2012-03-06 17:09:52 UTC

Don, did you say stir omg please tell me you didn't, that will certainly stir things up even more

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-03-06 18:27:41 UTC

Even worse Robert did you say OMG,you have dragged religion into it now.
These pages are going to full of the b****y complaints know

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-03-06 19:09:55 UTC

Oh iam just going to watch ARSENAL thats not a bad word

Commented Don A in La Marina 2012-03-06 19:52:00 UTC

No Don but FOOTBALLS are

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-03-06 20:53:35 UTC

Not as bad as kick - off.

Commented Bryan in La Marina 2012-03-06 20:58:45 UTC

What do they do in Ice Hockey ? I'm NOT going there, who has the courage ?

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-03-06 21:22:50 UTC

SORRY but I can not resist

Why do women get married in white???? well all good kitchen appliances come in white.

Why do women have small feet???? so they can stand closer to the sink.

Commented Dave Long in Rojales 2012-03-06 21:43:57 UTC

Robert I Believe you were referring to "Puck" of Shakespeares "Midsummer Nights Dream"
He upset the Fairies with the news of the arrival of "Oberon".LOL. ( OMG) This could cause a stir.!!

Commented Bryan in La Marina 2012-03-06 22:07:10 UTC

Faries? Faries? I thought this word was outlawed under the **x discrimination act of 19?? section 514 paragragh 127 or was that taking the Mick out of ourselves! Being an old fogie I can.t remember.
* So as not to cause a further stir I have deliberately left the word Sex out of this post*

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-03-07 06:47:21 UTC

Bryan Re: your post about twinning, do you think it would be a good idea if Oasis could be twinned with La Marina?, then we would come under San Fulgencio and get our infrastructure done by the Council.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-03-07 08:05:55 UTC

Better still Robert,why not twin Oasis and La Marina together then twin both with San Fulgencio town and all of us,can get vaste improvements in the infrastructure of the areas.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-03-07 10:15:31 UTC

Bryan by no stretch of the imagination am I bored with my life just because I don't like women being referred to as Old Fogies. I spend most of my leisure time running a shop on the Urb for one of the charities apart from raising money by holding events. It seems by the number of comments following your statement, that it is the men who are bored. This forum is for Men & Women to speak their minds, its not a 1950's working mens club where women are not allowed. If you don't like the way women retaliate, then tough!!!!!!!!!!!

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-03-07 16:28:11 UTC

good boy. We need a bit of humour now and again xx

Commented mazza in La Marina 2012-03-07 20:03:27 UTC

fo·gey  (fg)
Variant of fogy.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
fogey, fogy [ˈfəʊgɪ]
n pl -geys, -gies
an extremely fussy, old-fashioned, or conservative person (esp in the phrase old fogey)
[of unknown origin]
fogeyish , fogyish adj
fogeyism , fogyism n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
ThesaurusLegend:  Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Noun 1. fogey - someone whose style is out of fashion
dodo, fogy, fossil
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
golden ager, old person, oldster, senior citizen - an elderly person
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2011 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
fogey fogy
noun fuddy-duddy, square (informal), stick-in-the-mud (informal), antique (informal), dinosaur, fossil (informal), relic, anachronism, dodo (informal), back number (informal) I don't want to sound like I'm some old fogy.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Just thought I'd define the word. It seems some people have taken this personally how and why I will never know. If something so little an un-important to your life like the word of old fogey bothers you then wow I'd hate to see how you all react when something really important goes wrong in your life. Like my nan said (old bat Died a few years back at 86 ) if you can't have a good light hearted laugh at life then there must be something wrong with your life. A lot of the older people I speak to say they come Spain to retire un enjoy life un relax well.... My own opinion is its like eastrnders coronation street and emmerdale all rolled into on this urb. People constantly moaning about little things it seems all the old people I know are more streessed out being here than they would being back home. Like I said I thought most old people who retired an come here was to enjoy there life the sun the cheap products and slow pace of life. Not get aggravated over a word. I'm not moaning or picking on anyone I'm just being blatantly politely upfront.
Select a language:

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-03-07 20:27:40 UTC

Upfront, upfront, oh no Andi, here we go again, you have certainly stirred things up (front) again

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-03-07 20:41:37 UTC

Andi, Robert and Don A, looks like our bit of bantering got me an unwarranted "ROLLOCKING" I'd like to tell you of our club, it's for Old Farts, Old Gits, Old Fogies, any Coffin Dodgers, these are the terms of endearment, we all use, including our Wives and Aquaintances, We go Ten pin bowling, Green bowls, Golf. and we meet a few afternoons a week at the ***** ****** Bar, Can't share the whereabouts, as some people might take offence, at a harmless bit of FUN.

Commented Bryan in La Marina 2012-03-07 20:44:28 UTC

The spelling is dodgy as when using a apple product it does it's own thing. I think ALan once said as long as the first and last letter are correct then the brain can determine what the word says. So as far as spelling goes hell I'll let the apple product keep predicting what I'm writing and if it's upfront then sorry It was a nice light hearted joke you posted Robert.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-03-07 20:47:54 UTC

It does not take much to stir you men up does it. I thought you were all falling asleep on the forum, so I thought I would start you all off, and it worked. Have not enjoyed myself so much since Angelique disappeared.


Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-03-08 06:45:51 UTC

Andi, I think your post was very educational.I have tried to purchase The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company, to aid me in further posts,. Every home should have one.
Thank you for the compliment,if only everybody else could be as kind.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-03-08 06:59:49 UTC

Bryan, I am sorry to inform you that you are hereby summond before the committee of the Old Farts, Old Gits, Old Fogies, Wrinklies & any Coffin Dodgers Club. As you well know when we formed this club on attainng the Grand Old Age of ** we ALL signed a pledge of secrecy and cemented it in alchohol. You have broken this pledge and must answer the consequences,which ultimatlely may mean you being ironed out of the club and being sent back to the land of smoothies and unwrinkled. I sincerely hope you can talk your way out of this situation as we all admire and respect you.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-03-08 07:13:22 UTC

Eve, you should always think before you act look what's happened to poor Bryan,possibly ironed out of our club and Don denied his only intake of solid food. It appears to me that like the original Eve you are tempting Don with a forbidden fruit,and we all know what became of that.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-03-08 07:21:42 UTC

Eve i think you may have the wrong Don

Commented Don A in La Marina 2012-03-08 10:07:34 UTC

Eve is referring to YOU Don A. We were discussing you last night at J's Bar where we had a brilliant night with Mr Bojangles entertaining.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2012-03-08 10:28:04 UTC

Robert: I'm afraid I cannot appear in front of the Comiittee at this present time, as I am due to have a Lobotomy, Today, It is fortunately carried out under a local Anaesthetic. By the Nurse at the Local surgery. Apparently one is never quite the same after this procedure, I might even end up with a sense of Humour,!!!! and a new name of " MALCOLM", (apologies to all the malcolms).

Commented Bryan in La Marina 2012-03-08 12:23:28 UTC

Sorry Eve, so it was me, Ireally did enjoy your scotch eggs, also sorry that you won,t be cooking me anymore, and I thought the proceeds was going to good cause Ihope you were saying goodthings about me last night, but i doubt it but i still love you all, to think this all started because our friend Carol bought a new kettle and asked for help and somebody used the dreaded word fogey, from an old wrinkly, i,ve got wrinkles everywhere.

Commented Don A in La Marina 2012-03-08 12:42:58 UTC

Don't panic Don you can still have some scotch eggs, just winding you up. By the way I have a black eye from someone called Ivy because it was suggested I was leading you astray with them. I could have sworn the first Eve used apples - must have got it wrong.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-03-08 13:23:21 UTC

Love you too Don A. !! xx

Commented Carol in La Marina 2012-03-08 16:43:05 UTC

Thanks Carol , I knew i could rely on youxx

Commented Don A in La Marina 2012-03-08 21:02:04 UTC